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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

CMC Reflection: Nurul Afrah

For me, this assignment is very interesting because it analyses the use of chatting in learning context. Chatting is not something new to me since I knew about it back in high school years. However, I never thought that by chatting we can learn English since chatters do not use the conventional structure of English while chatting. So, it is interesting to analyse the use of language in chatting and how it can help in the learning process.

When I was given the details on the assignment in class by Dr. Rozina, I had some idea on what I had to do. All that I need to do is to find a journal, which based on synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC), then summarize it. After that, I have to comment on the use of CMC on the context of language learning in Malaysia. The hardest part of this assignment is the second part where I had to find 3 pages of chatting and analyse it based on one discourse element such as jargon and turn-taking.

At first, I tried to search in the internet for a journal which the research is based on SCMC. Although there are many journal that had been found, I could not find that is suitable. Then I thought about the website which is on the CMC note that Dr. Rozina had provided for the class. So, I decide to try and look up the website provided. To my delight the website provided is linked to the website on CMC journal. My journal was taken from Language Learning and Technology journal. I was not quite sure about the journal I had chose until I went to see Dr. Rozina for her approval. Thanks to Dr. Rozina, who was so tired on that day because of all her meetings, she manage to see my journal and gives her approval. When I was given the green light, I was so happy. Slowly I read throught the journal to find relevant points for my summary. In the next class, Dr. Rozina gives some more explanation regarding the assignment and even point out what to include in the summary.

Althought I had about one week to do the assignment, I took my time in reading the journal and do the the assignment. I had to read the journal more than one time to understan fully what the research is about since the use of language is a bit complex. Then, I thought about the second task, which is to find a chatting sample. This task is a bit difficult because I do not really know how to chat with a stranger. At first, I thought about chatting with my friends, which must be more than 3 people. Then Zarikh told me that there are chatrooms for EFL (English as Foreign Language) and ESL (English as Second Language) learners that I could go to. So, I decide to check out the website that Zarikh talks about. There are many chatroom available but the problem is that I am not good at chatting and I do not know how to begin. I tried to chat in some of the chatroom but it seem that it seem difficult to initiate the conversation. I decide to go to to get the chat sample from EFL/ESL chatroom and analyse it. There are many chatting sample that I obtain including the one that I participate in but I need only one sample to analyse.

After I obtain the chat sample, I began writing my summary and basicly try to finish the assignment before the due date. Then, I also need to make a soft copy on a cd.Thanks to God I finish the assignment in time. Well, overall I find this assignment fascinating since before I was introduce to CMC, I only thought that chatting is just some social communication that people share knowledge or experience beside getting to know new people. I think that it is good if Malaysia could apply the use of SCMC in language learning since it bring a new technique to the method of teaching. Beside, it helps for those who are too shy to talk when it is face-to-face environment...