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Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Topic: To introduce students to new words and spelling skill

Language Skill: Spelling and Vocabulary

Level of students: Level 3 level pre-sessional CELPAD (40 students)

Time: 100 minutes (two period lessons)

General Objective: To expose students with new words and its spelling.

Specific Learning Outcome: By the end of the lesson, students should:

1. Be able to learn spelling skill.

2. Be able to spell words correctly.

3. Be able to learn new vocabulary.

4. Be able to use new words in the right context.

5. Be able to remember English words.

6. Be able to pronounce the new words correctly.

Teaching Aids: Nonstopenglish (


The first period of the lesson:

Teacher introduces lesson to the students (10 minutes)
  1. Class will be conducted in lab.
  2. The teacher will explain that the lesson will be on learning new vocabulary and its usage in the right context.
  3. Teacher will give details on how the lesson will be conducted in the 2 period lessons and there will be 3 activities.
  4. Teacher will point out that in the first activity is on individual learning, where the teacher will introduce 7 words on the whiteboard.
  5. Teacher also will explain the second activity which involves pair work. Here they will do an exercise from a website chosen on the computer.
  6. Teacher gives further details on the third activity in which the students will use the words that they have learned in a role play in a group of 5.

Teacher will start with the first activity (15 minutes)

  1. Teacher will write down 7 words on the whiteboard (divorce, fiancé, husband, single, wedding, widow and wife).
  2. Teacher will say the word out loud one by one and instruct the students to follow.
  3. Teacher will then explain the meaning of each word by giving examples in simple sentences.

Teacher will start on the second activity (25 minutes)

  1. Teacher arranges students in a pair.
  2. Each pair will be using one computer.
  3. Teacher will instruct students to go to http://www.nonstopenglish.coM/exercise.asp?exid=478 in the computer.
  4. Teacher will explain to the students on how to fill in the blanks on the given sentence from the website.
  5. The students have to answer with the words they have just learned and what they have memorized. Teacher will help the students if they problem occur.
  6. Students have to fill in the entire blank during the exercise before submitting it for evaluation in the software.
  7. Students who have completed the exercise will raise their hand and the teacher will check out how well they did on the exercise.

The second period of the lesson:

Teacher will start on the third activity (50 minutes)

  1. The teacher divides the students in a group of 5.
  2. Teacher explains more on the activity, where the student will have to create a dialogue using simple sentences and the 7 new words they have learn. Each group has 5 minutes each to do role-playing based on the dialogue.
  3. Each group member has to present two words in simple sentences.
  4. Teacher monitored and helps the students if they have trouble during the activity.

  • Guided by the teacher, student will learn new words and its correct pronunciation.
  • To evaluate their level of spelling and the understanding of the word, the students have to enter a word in a blank during the exercise.
  • Through role-play teacher uncover students’ understanding of the new words, meaning and its usage in a sentence.

Our Reflection:

We find this assignment very fun and interesting. It provides us an idea and inspiration on how to teach English in a fun way. In fact, it is a stepping stone for us to pursue our dream as a teacher. Moreover, it exposes us in lesson plan guideline. At first, we thought lesson plan is an easy and simple task to do; therefore we take it less serious and do it in a fun way. However, after consulting Dr. Rozina twice, we finally realized that lesson plan is a challenging task to do. She explained that we should not prepare a lesson plan that is out of context and not applicable in language learning. By consulting Dr. Rozina around 30 minutes, she enlightened us with the right track on doing a perfect lesson plan. We decided to change our previous lesson plan because it does not fulfil the right element and aspect in language learning. This is the most challenging part because we have to change every single idea and start looking for new things especially the right software within limited period of time. It gives us pressure since we have to deal with other assignments and several presentations within the same week. However with the support from Dr. Rozina, we have gained our spirit and courage. Nonetheless, we keep supporting each other in completing the task. One of our group members who stays in different mahallah sacrifice by squatting at our place because we have to complete the task together. We divided the task among the three of us. One person is looking for the software, second person is sketching the outline on lesson plan and the other person completes the task by typing out the lesson plan and prepare for the presentation. In the making of the lesson plan, we have to imagine ourselves as the teacher who will teach the students according to the lesson plan. This enables us to understand more on the role of the teacher and what difficulties that the teacher have to face. We also put ourselves in the shoe of the student from CELPAD. We explore their way of thinking and what they expect from the lesson. We try to understand their level of competency in English as well as their level of learning. After working for a few days, we finally completed the task. This experienced has thus created such a memorable and wonderful moment for the three of us since this is our final semester together.

Student’s Reflection:

Students will find this lesson as a new technique in acquiring new words in English language. They will also find this activity a fun way to learn new words because it involves computer mediated software where it will make the experience of learning more interesting. Each student will participate individually and also in group. From there they can build their sense of confidence and enhances social interaction among them. Indeed, the new words they will learn can be use in their daily conversation as they will be familiarized with the meaning and the usage of the words within different contexts.