Do you know about Chitty Malay? If yes, how much do you know about it? Come and spend some time to browse through the links that we've provided. Our blog provides lengthy information about the beautiful culture and language of Chitty Malay.

For any inquiries and information don't hesitate to contact us.
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Monday, March 23, 2009

Reflection on Blog

Blog is not an alien word nowadays. Most of people prefer to have a blog to express thoughts, feelings, hatred, likeness etc towards any individual. Blog is also famous in doing business such as selling cupcakes, clothes and various stuff. Hence our experienced in having our own blog for Dr. Rozina's class is very priceless. At first, writing a blog is never an easy task to do. Luckily one of our group members, Ira has been dealing with blog for 2 years. Therefore she really knows how to create and operate a blog without any difficulties. She has been struggling to make us familiarize with the way to publish a post and to provide link for each post.

The first problem we encountered is the moment we have to choose topic for our blog. Many have come out with different interesting topic to be discussed in their blog. Alhamdulillah, one of our close friends told us that Dr.Rozina is very attracted to any topics regarding to Sociolinguistics. So we decided to choose Chitty Malay. We came across of this culture when we learned Sociolinguistics past few semesters. It is one of the extinct language and culture in Malaysia. Only several people know about the existence of this language. Therefore it is a bonus opportunity for us to introduce this topic to Dr.Rozina and fellow friends.

We had a hard time trying to figure out a group name because Dr. Rozina wants us to have a funky group name in the blog. So we decided to use Super Trooper because it is our favorite famous song from the group ABBA. Right after that, in deciding for the blog’s layout, we cannot decide which layout to be used in our blog and we keep changing its appearance because at the early stage, we chose to use the blogspot’s provided layout. We realized after a few weeks that the layout from blogspot is not very attractive even after trying out every single one of the provided layout.

In the process of making this blog, various problems occurred such as no internet connection back in mahallah. Luckily Afrah has a magic thing called broadband, however the connection is still bad here in Gombak. She squatted for quite a long time in our mahallah just so that we can discuss and change ideas for our blog. We waited the whole night to receive connection from her broadband because the next day Dr.Rozina would like to check our Islamic Perspectives on our blog. Only the next morning we finally received internet connection and we managed to write our Islamic Perspectives just in time. After what happened that day, we decided to go to Ira’s house, since there is a WIFI system. The three of us can use 3 laptops with internet connection without any interference. By having WIFI system, we can have non stop internet connection to publish new post and update our blog.

In the meantime, we are still facing the same problem with the blog layout. Nobody prefers to use blogspot layout because the design and color is very boring and no one would be attracted by it. We need to use something that is interesting to grab Dr.Rozina’s and friends’ attention. Our classmate Zarikh introduced us with this simple website whereby we can get plenty of fascinating and captivating layouts. Once we have chosen a layout, new problem occurred. The layout’s html code is not parallel with our blog setting. We suffered this problem around 2 weeks until Sister Amira helped us out. You may want to check this website for some cool and interesting layout, We end up having to create a new blog so that we can use the layout from this website. Then we have to start all over again which is not a big deal as we just have to copy and paste from what we have done in the previous blog.

After we have settled down with the layout problem, the major chaotic problem emerged. Which is in the search of the geist of what Chitty Malay is all about. Since Chitty Malay is very rare and unknown in the cyber world, not much of the information we can get from the internet. However, one of our close friend, did a field work research on this particular culture for Sociolinguistics presentation. Therefore, we asked for her help in providing us with useful information for the creation of blog. She helps a lot in making us understand more on this subject. Not only she helped us with the blog material, she also helped in instilling confidence for us in presenting this alien culture to the class.

Other than that, we also keep on searching on the internet for more sources to make our blog interesting. We stumbled upon various blogs which assist us to retain information on Chitty Malay. Most of the blogs originated from India who also practices the same culture as Chitty Malay does. We also checked first on the reliability of the blog. This is through reading various blogs (corpus), and comparing the information with each other. This is to ensure that we had the right information in our blog.

Another problem arouse when Dr. Rozina asked us to post our lesson plan. We cannot simply copy everything from Microsoft Word and publish a new post in blog. Indeed, we have to adjust every single line to ensure the sentence structure is in the right way. Afrah was the master in arranging the lines for lesson plan and we managed to submit it before Dr.Rozina inspected our blog. We are so grateful to have a hardworking member who never knows how to rest until her work is done. Thanks Afrah.

As for the one who did the typing for lesson plan and blog reflection, without her the work will never be done. She has been struggling to typed all night long even when she sleeps her fingers are still pressing god knows what ;) Thanks Rahimah, she is the master of typing (Actually I am writing this for myself). Yeah you can burst out laughing now. I am the only one who has zero knowledge on producing a blog. Many times Ira scolded me for asking a lot of stupid questions. “Eh how to link?”… “Ala why is it my post does not appear”… “Eh let’s go makan”

Nevertheless, the time constraint we faced affects our time to gather information for blog. We have many assignments from other subjects that could not let us give focus on the creation of the blog. For quite some time, the blog was left untouched. However we managed to compile all of the important sources and information before the due date of the blog presentation. The process of making the blog indeed ties a bond among the three of us since this will be our final semester together. Nonetheless, some of the group members were not happy at me for being so kind to help other friends by volunteering to be the first group to present on our blog. As a punishment, they want me to present the blog in front of friends and Dr. Rozina. Well that will never be a big problem for me since I love to talk. By having the chance to talk in front of friends and my beloved lecturer, it will definitely be an awesome pleasure for me ;) I believe if we have the ability to talk, it will take us further in future. Therefore this shall be an exercise for me to instill confidence and enhance my self esteem so that I will have no fear to communicate in public.

In brief, it has been a great pleasure to take this course. It helps all of us to master in the creation of blog. Rahimah from having zero knowledge on anything about blog, know she is practically an expert blogger. It also helps us in realizing how technology can assist us in language learning. The chance for us to design and publish our own blog according to any preference subject was very memorable. The fight, laughter and sadness shared together were priceless. Even the chance for us to write on reflections can give us the understanding on the process we have gone through which could help us in the future, Insyaallah. In conclusion, the Chitty Malay is a precious legacy which every Malaysian should know. Without having anyone to preach this knowledge, Malaysian worthy heritage will be lost.